
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Ramadhan Kareem 2013

mlm ni ada extra masa sket utk update blog. hehe act tgh tggu member aku dtg, so alang2 tu meh update sket. kejap gila kan..da masuk 2mggu puasa. alhamdulillah.. u ols puasa x? asal masuk bulan ramadhan je, mesti aku teringat kt kawan aku tu. lelaki orangnya, bakal doktor. tp xpenah cukup puasa sebulan. taun ni xtau la ape jd kat dia sbb dah lost contact ngn mamat tu. xpe, kita doakan yang baik2 saja. kalau nk cerita psl lelaki xpuasa ni, tahun ni makin ramai plak aku jumpa laki yg xpuasa. ni haa orang kt dpn umah aku ni. pagi2 je mesti nampak dia isap rokok. slumber badak je duk smoke sambil wat keje. hari tu aku kua lepak ngn kwn2, then ada sorang mamat ni cakap 'taun ni aku nk try puasa penuh'. see? nampak sgt sblm2 ni xpenah puasa penuh. haha. hari ni ade sorang lg kawan aku terkantoi xpuasa. boleh plak dia cakap nak balik umah makan nasi. tp dia xcakap depan2 laa. no wonder la mlm td lps bukak puasa, dia xsmyg mgrb. satu je doa aku, semoga Allah memberi hidayah kepada mereka2. aminnn. 

as for me plak, ramadhan taun ni bapokkk sedihhhh! banyak yang kurang tp alhamdulillah masih diberi peluang utk menikmati ramadhan. i have to admit, ramadhan tahun lepas aku lg berdisiplin dlm beribadat compared to this year. hurrmmm. syaitan2 semua dah kena ikat tp kenapa xleh buat mcm tahun lps? ask yourself mira! and the good thing is, setakat hari ni aku xpenah g bazar ramadhan lg. hehehe i dont know why, tak terasa pon nk g bazar. tiap2 hari balik keje kul4, bantai tido. dlm kul6 bgn then tong tang tong tang masak. masak utk sorang je,xde hal lah. xsedap xpe sbb aku sorang je makan. haha

p/s: post kt atas ni aku taip 2mggu lepas tp xsempat nk publish. hehe kiranya kita sambung kt bwh ni la plak ye..

kejap gilerrrrr da masuk minggu terakhir ramadhan. khamis dah raya, tp aku still stuck kt cheras lg. haha esok lusa gua keje lg tp rasa mcm nk ponteng je..kikiki hari rabu baru balik kampung sbb abg aku xdapek cuti. jd aku terpaksa tunggu dia. i dont know why, raya ni rasa lain macam. no preparation at all. no baju raya, no kasut raya, no new handbag. kalau raya taun lepas, everything serba baru. tp tahun ni hampeh! mood raya pon xde. 1st day raya pon xtau nak pakai baju apa. kita recycle je lah baju raya. pakai je baju apa yg ada..satu benda je yg wat aku eksaited nak raya taun ni; aku xsabar nak bagi duit raya! haha 1st time bagi duit raya. alhamdulillah.

pasal kerjaya plak, alhamdulillah dah habis  satu sem. sblm ni tiap2 hari merana nak kena ajar manufac. tiap2 hari nak nangis sbb rasa xmampu nk ajar manufac, tup2 dah habis satu sem. legaaaaaaaaaa!!!! luckily next sem aku xajar manufac. see u next two sem manufac! kembali merana lah aku nanti. huwaaa. aku pon konpius awat aku xde confidence nak ajar manufac sedangkan aku mmg major in manufac. rasa mcm ilmu aku dlm manufac belum cukup utk ajar orang. psl kerja xleh cite panjang lebar dlm blog, kang xpsl2 student terjumpa blog aku. hahaha pasal kerja kita ngumpat dlm twitter je laa ye!

last but not least, selamat hari raya aidilfitri maaf zahir batin to all muslim. 

Sunday, June 30, 2013


"Ya Allah,tutupkan hati aku dulu. Bukakan ia untuk lelaki yg Kau setuju menjadi suami aku."
-Fynn Jamal,2013

Saturday, June 29, 2013

my current life

assalamualaikum wbt

jap jap nk check bila last entry. 25 jan 2013. haha ok la tu update blog 3kali setahun kan drp xupdet langsung. woww after 6months, too many things happened! im so grateful for what im having now. alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah syukur ya Allah.

meh bercerita psl kerjaya. after abes blaja bulan jan, being a penganggur, i went for interview sana sini. my first interview was in Klang, kilang topglove. xdinafikan kilang ni besar n well known. interviewnya hari jumaat, i still remember how bad is dat day. unexpected thing happened just before the interview session. malas nak cerita panjang lebar kt cni sbb benda da lepas kan. aku selalu pujuk hati cmni, 'xpe mira, Allah saje je nk duga ni. kot2 pasni lulus interview ni'. its just like bersusah susah dahulu, bersenang senang kemudian. tp rezeki aku bukan kt klang. aku mcm quite frustrated gak la at dat tym sbb aku mengharapkan aku dpt keje tu. pastu pegi interview kt tempat lain plak. byk tempat gak aku interview tp tu laa rezeki lambat sampai. almost 10x aku kena interview. phewwww! sampai satu tahap rasa mcm 'ahhh mls la nk prepare. pulun tahap gaban pon xlps jgk interview'. nak dijadikan cerita, aku dpt interview kt cheras. tym tu aku tgh tggu jawapan drp nilai university. so bila dpt intview kt cheras tu, sikit pon xrasa excited. interview sepatutnya hari isnin tp boleh plak aku p mintak postpone nak interview hari rabu. i told my fren, 'malasnyoooo nk g interview ni'. then dia cakap 'skalo kalu malah gitu mksd dio nk buleh kijo tu'. bila hari rabu tu, aku gamble je p intview sbb mmg dlm kepala otak aku xmengharapkan ape2 drp intview ni. aku xprepare sgt pon. slide utk interview pon download drp internet je. salah satu sbb aku xbersemangat lgsg nk g intview ni sbb aku dapat topik inteview yg xbest langsung. terus jd down and trus xsmgt lgsg. so the interview started..blaaa3 banyak gila kena soal. soalan yg xleh jwb lgsg adalah 'what is ur weakness?' haha budus soalan. tetiba esoknya company ni call lg n cakap aku lulus interview. i was like 'wutttt???'. boley plak cina tu gelak bila aku respond camtu.

betul la cakap orang, benda yg kita xnak tu la kita akan dapat kan. now da 2bulan stgh aku kerja kt cheras. overall kerja ok la, alhamdulillah. satu je yg best keje kt cni, iaitu flexi hours. haha aku bleh masuk sesuka hati and balik sesuka hati as long as keje siap. kawan2 pon best.. tp aku da penah kena panggil kt HOD sekali. kahkah. good job mira, wt perangai lg. kadang aku g keje mcm xg keje pon ade. pagi main tenet pastu tym lunch kuar makan then sambung main tenet n lepak2 with frens. pastu balik umah. lol. rasanya buat masa sekarang nak gain experience kt cni dulu kot. nanti da lama sikit baru sambung blajar balik. mampu lg ke aku nk sambung blaja?

and now aku da xduk seri kembangan lg dah. i da jd orang cheras u~~ im lonely here. sewa sorang2 je kat umah ni. ramai gak kawan2 aku duk tanya awat xcari housemate. ade yg baik hati sgt siap tlg carikan housemate utk aku lg, pdhal aku xsuh pape pon. ntah la, buat masa skrg xrasa nak ada housemate lg. kalau soulmate xpe gak kan. muahahaha. bila duk sorang ni, everything kena wt sendiri. mmg betol2 independent aku skg ni. haha tp nasib baik kawan aku ade duk area cni gak. kalau de pape aku mtk tlg dia je. hehe

bila nak kahwin? gulpppp tolong carikan aku bakal suami please!

till then, adios! jumpa lagi 6bulan daripada skrg. haha

Friday, January 25, 2013

hollaa 2013!

assalamualaikum wbt

phewwwwwwwww im coming back guys! anyone miss me? nguahnguahnguah my last post was on May last year. its about 7months ago. no doubt, i miss blogging so much! being a master student has forced me to stop blogging for a while and focused on my study. muakahkah ayat mintak lempang. ok ok tipu je. please blame the laziness inside me. im too lazy to conteng conteng here. but i never fail to do blog walking. dont worry friends, i still read ur blog eventhough im missing in action.

alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah i just finish my study and now im officially a penganggur. im still here at seri kembangan,wasting my time and money. *sigh* i feel like to go home tonite tp weekend ni ada career fair kt midvalley. then i plan to go home on this monday but then i've to come back here on thursday. what a waste to go home and come back here. ore klate oyak gi mari gi mari. so im in dilemma right now. blergh.

talking about my final exam, im done with all papers without satisfaction. i didnt perform well and it leads to bad result. yes all results are out and sadly, i got one B. it was a bit frustrated tp nak sedih lebih2 pon xde guna sbb sape suh xperfom sgt kan. the secret here is, i skipped this class for almost one month. i didnt go to the class one month until the final week. one month dude! i missed about 12hours lecture. so no wonder la kan dapat result camni? lol i've to catch up by my own for final exam. harharhar

source: facebook

this picture was taken after the last paper. almost half of my classmates were iranian. act we dont know them so well and i seldom talk with them. when we pass through them to go to car park, they just like 'hey come come take pictures with us!' so being muka-tak-malu, we just join them,posing here and there. lol we took a lot of pictures but i only found this one on facebook. 

after that we went to the mines, for so called farewell party and celebrating izzati's birthday. hehe we ate at nando's. being gurls, gossiping is a must! lol i will miss u gurls. hope we can meet again someday.

till then, adios!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Its really inspired me

The viva started exactly 10.31 am on the day i.e. 22 March 2012, opened by Prof G, chair for the viva session, and followed by a brief presentation by myself on the thesis overall objective and the chapters and their respective findings. Soon after, without a further due, I was bombarded with questions after questions from the examiners. The external is from University of Reading, Prof U and the internal is Dr D. And they seemed to be interested with my thesis in about everything!

I could clearly see a lot of scribbles they made on numerous pages of the thesis and they kept going page by page which they have bookmarked and asked me to elaborate, explain, discuss. Answers led to further questions and further answers. For some questions even I myself was doubtful about the answers, but I kept my calm, and tried to make them aware that my thesis is not meant to solve the world problem, it has its specific focus and probably their suggestion/idea could be incorporated in my future research works.

After about two hours and fifty minutes i.e. at about 1.20 pm, I saw they made a quick glance at their watch, and finally stopped asking questions. Dr D then asked me to wait outside for them to discuss their decision. He said in ten minutes they will call me in.

And that was the long 10 minutes I ever wait. I was incredibly nervous and kinda shivering. What I did at that moment was only to recite selawat tafrijiyah again and again. 

Suddenly my Supervisor Prof Hall came, as he was nearby at the pantry room, next to Dr D’s room where I had my viva. He asked “how was it?” my answer was like, “I don’t know Prof, I think for some answers, they may not be satisfied with it, but on overall it was, hmm, fine.” He smiled at me and said something along this line “It’s ok, I don’t think you gonna fail this.” And then he disappeared to his room at the end of the floor.

After a while I heard a sound, and the door of Dr D’s room swung open, and both of the examiners emerged. I was more nervous, why did they not call me in? 

And Dr D dropped the bomb: “Mahyudin, since we opened our session this morning with Prof G as the chair, I think it’s better to have three of us when we announce the result. As now it’s lunch time, you might want to go and have your lunch first, and come back after an hour at 2.30pm, is it ok?” 

I was like “haaaa???? and without thinking I replied “Oh God, this will make me more nervous!” (Prof G exited the viva session early because he had class at 12pm).

Prof U quickly tried to calm me down and said that I don’t have to worry, they already have the decision, only that they need to make it more formal in a proper session with the presence of the viva chair. I felt better but still it didn’t quell my nervous. I was thinking is it gonna be minor or major? I hesitantly nodded, and out they went, and on their way out I could see they dropped by Prof Hall’s room next to the stairs going down to the entrance door.

I returned to my office at the basement. My friends came to me and kept asking about the result. I told them I don’t have the result yet, it will be after 2.30pm. I definitely did not have the appetite to eat at that time, so I called my wife in Malaysia and told her about everything. Midway through the call, suddenly, I saw Prof Hall entered our office, and...

The feeling at that moment was indescribable, I was speechless, I was like dreaming. I felt like to jump and hug him, but ended up only shaking his hands. I was like crying but I held off the tears. In front of everybody in the room, my own supervisor, with whom I had worked ever since I started my PhD, who I can say one of the most understanding and incredibly kind persons I ever met, congratulated me and announced the viva result that I passed with minor correction.

He told me that both the examiners were quite worrying to make me wait longer for the result. He was talking about the corrections that I have to make, but at that time I was still like dreaming. What I clearly heard him when he reminded me not to tell them I already knew the result from him, and when I returned to them at 2.30pm, just pretend not knowing anything. I was like “haha, your are cheeky Prof!” 

But the feeling at that moment was unbelievable. It really makes the ending to my PhD so meaningful and memorable that the news of the viva result was informed to me by none other than my own Supervisor...

On the way to prayer room to perform Zuhur, I called my wife and told her everything. I could feel it that she was crying in joy too, and with Mawaddah in her arms listening to our conversation. My solat Zuhur  was long, and after performing sujud syukur, I returned to Dr D.’s room. 

Don’t ask me how did I react to their announcement of the result, but I think I can safely say they did not know I already knew it. Anyway, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, all paraises be to Him.

rasa mcm nk nangis baca ni. bukan tangis sedih tp tangis syukur. pursue phd is one of my target. insyaAllah kalau ada rezeki teringin jgk nk sambung kt oversea. kawen then paksa laki ikut aku g sambung blaja kt oversea. hihik duk kt johor 4taun pon da rasa terseksa gila, ni kan pulak nk g duk oversea bertahun2. tp xpe sbb tym tu suami ada skali. eh tapi english aku ntah pape, bleh ke nk survive dk oversea? kne bwk dictionary 24hrs la kalo cmtu. xpun before speaking, on google translate n translate ayat siap2. muahahaha pray for me guys!  

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

mari beli mari beli!

hey guys! hehe lama gila xupdate blog. blog da bertukar wajah pon aku tatau. ni baru tau. >.<
btw, just nk promote on behalf of my friend:

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera

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so ape lg, cpt cntct no tu skg!
cntct aku pon bley gak, nt aku roger kt kawan aku ni.
may Allah bless u guys

Sunday, March 4, 2012

aqiqah baby amni

main reason aku balik kampung this weekend adalah sempena aqiqah baby nur amni binti ahmad farhan. memang da plan before start sem lg nak balik this weekend. hehe ni baru aqiqah anak sepupu, kalau aqiqah anak buah sndiri ntah2 sbulan aku mintak cuti ngn bos. lagipon tym ni la dapat kumpul with all family members. even abang aku yg sibuk dgn course tu pon balik jgk. my bro yg bz nak final pon balik jgk. i feel like hari rayaaaa! seriously mcm hari raya sbb smalam ade kenduri aqiqah tu, hari ni plak my aunty buat makan2 sempena her 24th annivrsary. it was like open house! hehe alhamdulillah happy gila dapat berkumpul camni..

semangat nenek n datuk amni buat banner ni. almaklumlah cucu 1st. hehe

siap ada ni lg! giler smangat kan? hehe

cantek x baju kite? chantek sangattttttt kan! cikya geram nak gigit2 budak kecik ni

alhamdulillah majlis went well. amni pon behave je time tgh selawat tu.
nak tau x, tym tgh selawat tu kan xtau knape aku rasa sebak gila sampai nk nangis.  
i just cant imagine mcm mana prasaan mama amni time ni. (tibe2 xsbr nk ada anak sndiri)
xbyk sgt pon gambar tym majlis tu sbb mls nk pegang camera. 

gambar ni tym makan2 kt umah my aunty ptg td. hehe

 k la, chow!