tentiu mcnaa..
tentiu tentiu
fyi, mcna ni mmbe ak tyme sk0lah.
sgt la kurus plus tomei. (koya la tuh)

1. put this badge on your awesome blog.
2. award this badge to 10 bloggers whom you think are inspirational and friendly.
3. make sure you put the ‘receipents’ name here, along with their links.
4. let them know about this.
thanks bg award..nie award sama yang ke 4 padlah dapt...hehehe..timakasih yerk...
laa yo ko? pyh la dae rmai peminat mace padhlah ni. haha
kawe tgk mu ni byk dh dpt....baga..
mung nk suh aku koya ko..bole2..
welkam..t wi la award ko aku etek deh..hehe..
jelar neh..
sharamli: gilak ka? sed0 n pulik la mu ni
mcna: malah ak wi ko mg.. nk make sore jah. haha
haha..frenship ak pehe...best blogger??hahahahahahah!mira desok..tak dok aroh do'oh doh ko..hahaha..neway.thanx dear!
hahaha sj0 jah nk suh mg hupdet blog mg.. cpt hupdet!!!!
mana ader...padlah simpan jerk semua award tu..mlm nie padlah pos semua key
tq mira!
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