aku nk td0 uma mir tp bapak xkasi. bapak suh nenek tmn aku kt umah tp aku tanak. last2 si bapak majuk, si anak pon majuk. haha klaka x? es0knye, si bapak suh ajak mir td0 uma aku sbb die xkasi aku td0 umah mir. aku bg alasan tkt sbb de hantu. then si anak majuk nak lari balik tumpat kal0 bapak xkasi td0 umah mir. last2 si bapak kasik. yeay si anak menang! hahaha bapak balik dr penang igtkan da abes majuk tp xabes lg. haha funny okei my bapak. till n0w pon si bapak majuk lg dgn si anak. kah3
st0ry 2: reu
location: pcb
date:26 jun (jumaat)
time: 9am-12pm
summary fr0m reu nih:
-thnks byk2 to our organiser aleya n kj sbb menjayakan reu yg ala2 kadar nih.
-aku benci die! urgghh
-mntk maaf byk2 kpd smua kal0 de terasa pape ngn aku. well, ak ni mmg mlut lepas. mlut laser pon aku jgk. s0 sorry kal0 de sape2 terasa hati..
-hepy gle dpt jmpe mmbe2 lame
-hepy menang b0ling.. muahahahaha (evil laugh)
a picture worth a thousand words

p/s: m0re pics dlm fb ya!
A simple Thankyou, my friends
by warmth
Into the dim lit, bare walls of my world,
You entered, bringing light and life to me,
The vivid colors, painted with a swirl
Of wit and charm, of personality,
With tender care, you added comfort, warmth,
And images that line the now bright walls.
I look upon them fondly, bringing forth
A thankfulness that you walk in these halls
With me; our friendship has become a part
Of my world now; it has its special place,
Within my being, life, and in my heart,
Your name hangs right beside your smiling face.
Rememb'ring just how drab these walls had been,
I have to thank you for the light, my friend.
location: pcb
date:26 jun (jumaat)
time: 9am-12pm
summary fr0m reu nih:
-thnks byk2 to our organiser aleya n kj sbb menjayakan reu yg ala2 kadar nih.
-aku benci die! urgghh
-mntk maaf byk2 kpd smua kal0 de terasa pape ngn aku. well, ak ni mmg mlut lepas. mlut laser pon aku jgk. s0 sorry kal0 de sape2 terasa hati..
-hepy gle dpt jmpe mmbe2 lame
-hepy menang b0ling.. muahahahaha (evil laugh)
a picture worth a thousand words

p/s: m0re pics dlm fb ya!
A simple Thankyou, my friends
by warmth
Into the dim lit, bare walls of my world,
You entered, bringing light and life to me,
The vivid colors, painted with a swirl
Of wit and charm, of personality,
With tender care, you added comfort, warmth,
And images that line the now bright walls.
I look upon them fondly, bringing forth
A thankfulness that you walk in these halls
With me; our friendship has become a part
Of my world now; it has its special place,
Within my being, life, and in my heart,
Your name hangs right beside your smiling face.
Rememb'ring just how drab these walls had been,
I have to thank you for the light, my friend.
mira....benci ke sapo plop ni?
hahaha..sibuk jah oghe nok tahu..
jom ym! hehehe..
oghe pun nok mitok maaf jgk, kalu ado sero hati gapo2...tp oghe meme suko sgt2 reunion hari tuh..mmg suko sgt2...dr pagi sapa ke ptg tuh oghe duk senyum jah..
waahhhh....srunukkk nyerr tgk korang..ni reunion utk girls jah ko...huhu...
kj: hehe ad0 la beci ko ore tuh.. jum ym! haha oghe pon suko sgt2 jgk hr tuh.. hehehe jum tubik plop. dae lg nk tubik nih. aj0k iena plop..
ahlami: laa kak ami nih..acu tgk molek gmbr2 tuh.. ad0 la pic oghe laki tp xbyk pon sbb sek yo jual mhl.. hahaha
1st gamba tu ak carik2 mu..ingtkn jatuh lm laut doh..
ha: ceshh..mentang2 laa 'putih' mg xjupo cari aku. huh xp02
napok zati,eili.
ps:acu wi ym mira ng tqah.
naqiah: hehehe bil0 nk wt reu sk0l0h rndoh plop? naqiah la jd organiser deh..
ym ore: nnur_kasih@yahoo.com
ym tiqah: atiqahkj@yahoo.com
g blum tentu ley,
nk jd organiser.
mira suh ore slh nih.
Sbb make....
sbb make gapo?
aku napok seng!!!!hehe..xoyak doh ko aku mu nk g jumpo seng..kalo dop aku nk suh mu krim salam..haha
nonod hilo: gatai!
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